Welcome to Ultimate Nutrition. Ultimate Nutrition, established since 1978, based in Lancashire. The company was launched following the publication of The Book 'Ultimate Nutrition for All Sport', written by Arthur Fairhurst & Bernard Beverley, and since revised many times.

Arthur Fairhurst MHCIMA

Arthur Fairhurst was born in Liverpool in 1936. He lived with his mum, dad and three siblings.

As a boy, he gained a place on Liverpool and Everton's books, and he was the Cross Country Champion for his school. He has always been interested in sport.

Arthur Fairhurst trained as a Graphic Designer, during this time he trained in the damp cellar of a local church with rusty weights, more often or not on his own. He went on to compete and win at the highest level for his country in Weightlifting Competitions, and at different weights. A competitor suggested he went into Bodybuilding, eventually, he came 2nd in The Mr Universe when Arnold Schwarzenegger came 1st. During the evening the competitors would all meet up for dinner. He asked Arnold what his intentions were for the future. Arnold replied, “to win this competition several times”, which of course he did. Arthur, at that point in time, knew his physique would never beat Arnold’s, so he changed tack.

Arthur went on to study Diet and Nutrition. He worked for the Calderdale Hospital Service as a Dietician helping patients control their weight and eventually trained Doctors in nutrition and diet. Then he was ‘head hunted’ by the Education Service and became one of the youngest people to be promoted to Ministry Catering Advisor in Northern Ireland, for the University. He was involved in the design and build of the catering block, from just a field.

Arthur constantly read everything he could on diet, and training.

On moving to Blackpool, he decided to open his own Gymnasium & Health Studio as he wanted to pass on his knowledge and help other people achieve their goals. It was at this time that his clients, training colleagues and fellow competitors kept asking the same questions on diet, training, nutrition and steroids. With this in mind, Arthur & Bernard wrote The Book - Ultimate Nutrition for all Sport, which has sold over 1.5 million copies. Back in the ‘70’s there was not much information around and no internet of course.

More books followed, some for specific sports such as ‘How to Train with weight for Karate’, ‘How to train with weights for Cycling’, ‘The Modern Way to Muscle Growth’, and many more.

Arthur Fairhurst & Bernard Beverley were inundated with questions of where readers could obtain the products that appeared in "The Book" and that is how the company, Ultimate Nutrition, based in Lancashire, Great Britain began.

Arthur & Bernard developed a highly successful company by initially formulating products for the sports person. They are known as ‘innovators’ and ‘ahead of their time’ in product development. They promoted & sold, nutritional products such as Whey Isolates, Weight Gain Powders and Energy products, quality products the sportsperson requires.

When Bernard retired, Arthur continued with his passions, researching and developing, always seeking on how to improve not only himself, but the product range too. With the help of Chemists and Scientists throughout the world, new products, formulations were added to the brand. This process in most cases took many months. Products had to work, had to be the best. The highly successful brand consists of products to help sportspeople; bodybuilders and athletes achieve their goals. For the rest of us, particularly those interested in their general health and wellbeing, supporting products followed. All our products are completely natural. Products the likes of PROTEINS, WEIGHT GAINERS, PROSTATE SUPPORT FORMULA, ALFALFA & KELP, DESICCATED LIVER WITH HAEMOGLOBIN IRON, BREWERS YEAST, GLUCOSAMINE, MSM, NUCLEOTIDE CELL SUPPORT FORMULA, NEUROCARE FORMULA and many more. ULTIMATE NUTRITION is known as one of the LEADING BRANDS not only throughout the sporting fraternity, but with people interested in their general health. As our sportspeople aged, they found they experienced other ailments which led Arthur and his team to develop the products we have today. Supplements which help to promote good health and wellbeing. It is interesting to note that Doctors, Chiropractors, Physio therapists recommend Ultimate Nutrition products to their clients.

Today the company still follows this same ethos under the keen eye of Vivienne Fairhurst, Arthur’s wife. Vivienne met Arthur when she went to work as a Training Instructor at his Gymnasium and Health Studio back in the 1970’s.

Vivienne has been on many training programmes and has grown up with the company and with the Ultimate Nutrition team continue to ensure that the products are made to the original formulations, and that materials purchased are only of the highest grades available. As Vivienne and Arthur said all those years ago “the products must work. We must always use the best materials, with the correct dosage. After all, we take them ourselves. What is good for us is good for our customers”.

The Ultimate Nutrition team continue to research related natural products to this day.


It is a well-recognised weight management product.

Phaseolin, the very successful Starch & Carb Blocker, blocks up to 65-75% of the Carbohydrate from any one carbohydrate meal. This product will help you manage your weight WITHOUT HAVING TO CHANGE YOUR DIET!! Arthur & Vivienne attended seminars in Geneva to find out just how this works on the body. It is truly amazing!

Ultimate Nutrition products are manufactured in Pharmaceutical Grade, state of the art Manufacturing Suites. Only the highest grade of raw materials is sourced, purchased and used in the manufacture of The Ultimate Nutrition Product Range.

Ultimate Nutrition is a well-recognised and trusted brand.

Ultimate-Nutrition is available directly online and in selected Health Food Shops, Gymnasiums, Sports Clubs, & Chemists, Physios and Chiropractor clinics. Ultimate-Nutrition Glucosamine 1000mg with Vitamin C is recommended by Osteopathic Clinics and Chiropractors throughout the UK and is available on prescription and in Harley Street clinics, London.

Arthur Fairhurst travelled the world lecturing on nutrition, diet, and training in order to convey just how important it is to take care of yourself and use the correct combinations of food supplements, whether you are at the top of your sport as a competing bodybuilder, weight-lifter or athlete, or you simply enjoy participating in a sport at the weekend, or you need to improve the quality of your life. Diet, and the correct supplementation can improve your health and wellbeing in mind and body.

Please remember the adage: You get what you pay for!

There are a lot of inferior products in the marketplace. Ultimate Nutrition believes in ethics, and only puts the name of Ultimate Nutrition to products that really do work. Ultimate Nutrition believes in giving value for money, which we hope you certainly will agree with, when you buy from ULTIMATE NUTRITION.

Finally, Arthur says "What can Ultimate Nutrition do for you?

"Customers that used Ultimate Nutrition back in the 1970's are still usig Ultimate Nutrition today. That says everything!"

“I want you to have the same success that I and all the other Ultimate-Nutrition champions are having and have had over the 30 years that Ultimate-Nutrition has had the honour of supplying millions of professional and amateur bodybuilders, sports people in every sport, rugby, football, tennis, swimming, cycling, athletes, weight lifters, mountain climbers, just to name a few and of course the general public who also want to be fit and free from their aches and pains.

”From time to time, I have advised thousands of members about the benefits of certain sports supplements, the likes of L-Arginine Nitric Oxide (NO), Ecdysterone, Proteins; Isolates, Peptide Bonded, Weight Gainers, wellness products like Glucosamine, Marine Collagen, Nucleotides Cell Support Formula, Neurocare for brain health, specialist products like Prostate Support Formula and so on.”

”I have explained to you that although it has been scientifically proven that there super supplements really do work, they will only do so if taken in their right amounts and at the right time during the day. Some only work when taken hourly with protein, some work best at night when you are going to bed, the one thing you can be certain of is that I have followed the research and worked with the researchers on sports and general nutrition for health for over 40 years and I only recommend the ingredients and products that work.”

”If a single herb for instance, the likes of Milk Thistle works on its own I don’t try to baffle you with science by adding other ingredients to it, unless those ingredients are going to promote better results. I feel very proud when someone like you buys an Ultimate-Nutrition product because I know that here is someone else who I am helping to achieve his or her ambition to improve themselves and hopefully become a champion”.

Yours in health Arthur & Vivienne Fairhurst

PS: During trialling a new product Members only may be invited to try them out first. A product on trial may come to you with a temporary label on the bottle or the pack, which means that you are amongst the first to hear about a new product, you have my assurance that the product in the pack or bottle is the very best that money can buy.

I said earlier that nothing, but the best is good enough for my customers. In the end it is the results that they get that motivates them and others to trust in Ultimate-Nutrition.